The RISE of the Saas Entrepreneur

I have to be honest. I didn’t see this coming.  

And I’m a bit mad at myself, because I’m so heavily ingrained in it.

See, 2023 came at us like a TON OF BRICKS with AI and ChatGPT.  So much so that most people missed what 2024 was really about.

I’m going to explain exactly what that is in this blog post.  

Then I’m going to show you exactly how you can take advantage of this on a LIVE zoom call this Thursday.

What Is A SaaS Entrepreneur?

Here’s what I missed (and why I’m kicking myself):

2024 is the year of the “SaaS Entrepreneur” …and a SaaS Entrepreneur is someone that simply owns a SaaS company.  

If you’re new to the term, it’s dead simple:

SaaS stands for “Software As A Service”.  This is simply ANY SOFTWARE that charges people MONTHLY.

You use this stuff every day, and probably spend a ton on it (sometimes without thinking about it).

For example:

Netflix is a SaaS…
Spotify is a SaaS…
Zoom is a SaaS…
Dropbox is a SaaS…
Amazon Prime is a SaaS…
And of course…

Autofunnel is a SaaS!

That makes me a defacto SaaS Entrepreneur, because I own a SaaS company (which is obviously Autofunnel).

Now this is why I’m kicking myself:

I didn’t see the biggest move in 2024 — even though I was LITERALLY DOING IT MYSELF!

Then it hit me…

Like A Pile Of Rocks (and MONEY) On My Head

See, we bootstrapped our software Autofunnel. 

That means we took a grand total of ZERO outside investment and me and my co-founder, Nik, own it 50/50.

On the event this Thursday (register here, it’s limited), I’m going to show you all of our numbers, but in short I’ll tell you right now.

We’ve made over $4,000,000 in our first year with this thing.  This next 12 months we should double that.

And then rinse and repeat… 



We’ve had over 2,500 paying customers and every single person signed up for a subscription. 

We do not sell this software as a one time fee.

…When this happens, you start getting a geometric effect

In nerdy business terms, it’s called Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), but you don’t need to know this…

This is all you need to know:

When You Own A SaaS Your Business Sustainably Grows With FURY

It’s like the TERMINATOR.  You can’t stop it.

It’s actually hard to stop even if you WANT TO, because those subscriptions keep coming in like clock work.


Right now, if we quit promoting completely, we’d do hundreds of thousands of dollars next month.

If I closed up shop. Shut down our sales page. Turned off every ad and moved to Mexico…

We’d make MILLIONS per year.

After just 14 months of starting Autofunnel.

It’s insane, and now you can see why I’m KICKING MYSELF for not seeing this is the biggest move you can make in 2024.

(I mean I’m literally spending EVERY WAKING HOUR doing it myself!)

Now, obviously building Autofunnel wasn’t free, right?

I can tell you right now, it was expensive

I’m a numbers guy, and can tell you we spent exactly $798,384 to make it.

So, yeah…

That’s the downside.

Also, most people don’t have a “Nik” (my genius co-founder) to figure out HOW to build the damn thing.

So what are YOU supposed to do then?  Great question… here’s the answer:

Here’s How You Can Become A SaaS Entrepreneur By Simply CLICKING A BUTTON

Ok, that sounds insane, but I swear it’s true.

Because of how fast technology is moving right now, you can absolutely become a SaaS Entrepreneur without building the software.


White labeling…

When you white label software, you rebrand it completely.  The software has your logo, it’s on your domain, and it’s your colors.

…And it doesn’t stop there.

GOOD white labeling solutions will let you even change how the product works. 

EVERYTHING is tailor made specifically to your liking. 

You take an existing product, and REMIX IT, so it fits your brand, idea and dream.

And that’s what makes yours special.

You can do as much, or as little, as you want to your version of the software. You can make it totally unique and unrecognizable, or just ride the coattails of what works.

It’s up to you. It’s your dream that becomes the reality.

It’s amazing, but there are two big problems:

  1. Hardly any companies white label their software (why would they create extra competition for themselves)?
  2. When they do, it’s usually boring software

I’m happy to announce we’ve figured out how to solve BOTH of these as I will show you on the LIVE zoom call this Thursday (register here — spots are limited).

…and on Thursday… Just 25 people will get access to what I believe is the most significant SaaS creation tool you’ll ever see.

It’s not cheap, and it’s extremely limited. It’s also pretty insane. You’ll have to see it to believe it.

I don’t want to spoil it all here — but…

Imagine Having Your Own Bookle, Podcaster, And Autofunnel… Custom Edited To Your Liking — And You Keep ALL The Money!

That’s exactly what will happen for 25 people this week.

And before I spoil too much, I want to reiterate the last part of this…. When someone white labels Autofunnel, we do not take a single penny from your subscription revenue.

(That’s actually one big reason we’re limiting this to only 25 people)

If you’re looking to got to he NEXT LEVEL, then do not miss out on this event.

We’re limiting this release so a replay is not inevitable.  Make sure you show up LIVE if you want to see what all we’ve been working on behind the scenes.

Register here, and see you LIVE on Zoom this Thursday at Noon PST:

REGISTER NOW – How To Build A Click-Button SaaS

Talk soon,

Trey Smith

P.S. – Our Zoom limit is 200 people for this call. 

We’ve broken this MANY times as our customers will tell you (and people got kicked out). 

We’re letting people in on a first come first serve basis. 

If you want to learn how to build a SaaS without actually MAKING ONE… then register now to save your seat!

P.P.S. – I happen to look up at my iMessages after writing this blog post. My buddy Christian is about to launch his SaaS and is SUPER stoked. This was too god not to send:

It’s true… there hasn’t been a new business this exciting in the past 2 decades. You simply can not beat recurring revenue. It’s an impossible monster to beat.

See you Thursday 🙂

7 thoughts on “The RISE of the Saas Entrepreneur”

    1. It’s similar, but it white labeling lets you also “relabel” the software. When you white label software, no one knows what it originally was. It would be your logos, your branding, and your options in the software.

    1. Hi Reco, this is a higher end product limited to 25 people and will come with an additional cost. This is actually something we want to inherently limit.

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