The Secret New Tool: Autofunnel 2.0 & The Future Of Online Business

What is the secret new AI tool coming in the Autofunnel 2.0 release?

Can you guess based on the images alone? If you can guess, leave a comment at the bottom of the post!

But first, let me give you a quick sneak peek.

If you’ve been following Autofunnel for the past year, you know what we’re about. We started with funnels, giving you the power to build complete sales funnel websites in just a few clicks. This revolutionized how our users approached building an online business, making it easier than ever to convert visitors into customers.

Then, we added Bookle, enabling you to write AI books in a matter of minutes, and allowed everyone to skip one more time and energy consuming step in the process. And later we introduced CopyCraft, helping you craft killer emails and sales copy with the power of AI.

But here’s the thing: We constantly see a need to build more tools that could solve issues. In the fast-paced world of online business, there’s always room for improvement, always another problem to solve. So we decided that Autofunnel is going to become the ultimate tool for building an online business.

This constant drive to innovate is how we decided that Autofunnel should be the ultimate tool for building online businesses. It needs to have everything. We don’t just want to be a part of your toolkit; we want to be THE toolkit. We envision Autofunnel as the Swiss Army knife of online business tools—versatile, comprehensive, and indispensable.

So what is the next tool we’re going to add in the big 2.0 release?

And what part of the business puzzle is it going to solve?

The Secret New Autofunnel Tool

In Autofunnel 2.0, we’re adding a new AI tool that’s going to take your content creation to the next level.

Imagine this: You’ve got a killer piece of content, or even just a cool idea on a topic your audience would love to hear. But that’s all you have. One piece of content that you could throw on a blog page and hope that someone reads it.

And that’s completely fine, don’t get me wrong, but that’s just not enough in today’s age.

But how do you turn that into something bigger?

Something that could reach more people, something that people can tune into, enjoy and become fans of. Or just something that would simply be easier to consume.

Basically, turn your idea into an audience building piece of content.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

That’s what the secret new tool is all about. The secret sauce that will take your content from good to mind-blowing.

Think about how cool it would be taking a book you had written with Bookle and turning it into an audiobook you can share with your customers.

Or taking a piece of sales copy and turning it into a video for your ads.

How much time, work and money will that save you…

I can’t reveal everything just yet, but this tool is all about elevating your content creation and expanding your reach by using AI.

Get Ready to Elevate Your Game

As you can see we’re on the brink of something big, and we want you to be a part of it. Autofunnel 2.0 is not just an update; it’s a transformation. We’re taking content creation to the next level, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll create with our newest tool.

This is your chance to stay ahead of the curve, and to be an early adopter of this new way of building businesses.

The Autofunnel 2.0 Release is on Thursday (July 25th), at Noon PST.

So, mark your calendars, set your alarms, and get ready for the launch of Autofunnel 2.0.

Stay tuned for more updates, and keep hustling. The future of online businesses is almost here, and it’s going to be epic. See you all on the Autofunnel 2.0 release!

Peace out,

Pavle from Autofunnel

5 thoughts on “The Secret New Tool: Autofunnel 2.0 & The Future Of Online Business”

  1. Hi! Is it a tool to create video and audio content (video marketing / course content and audio for audiobooks ?)

  2. From the image at the beginning of the blog … i would say audio generation 🫣 but then you talked about video so those are my 2 guess. I can’t wait for this release and event next week 🙌.

  3. I can see the photos revealing Audio Generation & Translation, Video content & Generation, and possibly advanced Book Cover Creation. Trey, Pavle, and the AI Autofunnel team never cease to amaze and empower! I am so grateful to be a part of what the AI Autofunnel leadership and community are creating, and the opportunities and solutions we are able to provide individuals, entrepreneurs, sole-proprietors, business owners, and humanity utilizing the power of AI and ML.

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